Andrea Menard x Marc Bhalla academic collaboration.     Exploring how to be an authentic ally to Indigenous Peoples.     An Indigenous and non-Indigenous connection.     Established 2021.

NEXT MEETING: January 2024

FEATURED BOOK: Moon of the Turning Leaves

FEATURED AUTHOR: Waubgeshig Rice




Does it cost anything to join your Book Club?

There is no cost of registration or to attend book club meetings. You will need to access the books featured in the club though, many are offered in a variety of formats (paperback, e-book, etc.) and some are available at the library.

Where do meetings take place?

Our Book Club meetings take place online. Members are sent the meeting link in advance and can join us from anywhere they are in the world.

Do I have to read the book in full before the Book Club meeting?

No. You will be exposed to book spoilers at meetings though, and invited to contribute to discussions about the book, so are encouraged to if you can.



21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality
by Bob Joseph

AKIA: The Other Side
by Dr. Norma Dunning

Moon of the Crusted Snow
by Waubgeshig Rice

Terra Nullius: a novel
by Claire Coleman